Home Remodeling: Essential Dos and Don’ts to Remember

Home Remodeling: Essential Dos and Don’ts to Remember

While studies show that home remodeling projects slowed down in 2021, it is expected to get revitalized in 2022. While it might seem like a daunting task, it can be pretty enjoyable if you take the time to do your homework.

H.E. Feldman & Son, home remodeling contractors in St. Petersburg, FL, has put together a list of essential do’s and don’ts you need to keep in mind on your next project.

What You Need to Do

Do consider your lifestyle

If you’re the type of person who likes to cook, a kitchen remodel may be a good idea. If you love to entertain, consider an open floor plan that will make your guests feel at home. Consider a room design that will improve your lifestyle’s efficiency and functionality.

Do prioritize essential projects

Some projects are essential for every remodel and should be given top priority. These include updating the electrical wiring, installing a new roof, or fixing any structural problem. It’s best to prioritize these projects before moving on to more aesthetic projects like room coloring or bringing in furniture.

Do hire a professional

Remodeling can be a lot of work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. While it is tempting to save money by doing as much of the work as possible yourself, chances are you’ll end up frustrated and overwhelmed. Hire a professional when needed and take advantage of their expertise.

house plans

What You Shouldn’t Do

Don’t forget to plan

That will make everything else easier down the road. Do research your project. Before you start, know what you want, and be realistic about what you can achieve within your budget. Draw inspiration from magazines, online photos, or even your friends’ homes.

Don’t start demolition until you’re sure of what you want

Removing walls, doors, and windows without knowing what you’ll be replacing them with can be a massive waste of time and money. Do you have a realistic idea of how long the project will take? No one wants their remodel dragging on forever, so knowing what to expect will help keep you on track.

Don’t skimp on the details

Think about how remodeling will affect your family’s day-to-day life. Will there be enough space for everyone to eat dinner, or will you have to move furniture every time you want to vacuum?

Details like crown molding, tile work, and lighting can make or break a remodel. Don’t be afraid to invest in high-quality materials and hire a professional to do the job right. Do keep your family’s needs in mind.

Don’t forget to have fun!

Getting your home remodeled doesn’t have to be stressful. That is your home so don’t forget to have fun with it. Make it reflect you and your family’s personality. Enjoy the process and be proud of the result.

If you’re still unsure where to start your project or need ideas and suggestions, feel free to reach out to a professional remodeling company to help you turn your vision into reality.

H.E. Feldman & Son is an experienced home remodeling company that can help you transform your home. Get in touch with us if you need help designing and remodeling your home.

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